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Finding an Example of True Manliness

Defensive strategy never has produced ultimate victory.

-Douglas MacArthur


As men we were created in the image of God to take dominion and authority over the earth and all of the things in it (Gen 1:26-27). There is a calling in a man’s life to do something greater than himself; a desire to be in control, a need to feel respected and a drive to lead the people that are in his life.

This call to dominion and authority is something that I felt compelled to and yet didn’t truly understand the nature of for the better part of my life. These are big words that when looked at through a worldly or cultural lens can be misconstrued to a message of a leader with an iron fist. I have seen so many examples of how to do it wrong on both sides of the fence - from authoritarian to completely passive.

Throughout my life I have had several leadership titles. All of which when I was in those positions, I did the best I could based on the instruction I was given and the example that was set before me. To date, the hardest, yet most rewarding leadership title that I have ever held is that of being the head of my family.

Why is that the hardest thing to do?

The list is long but the summary of it is sin.

Because of the fall of mankind and the curse caused by sin(Gen 3:16-19). God told Eve that she would have pain in childbirth, that she would desire (to usurp) her husband as the household leader. But “he will still rule with authority over you and be responsible for you.” (vs. 16). God told Adam because you did not lead your wife and listened to her you shall toil the ground and that it would be hard, sweaty, and dangerous. (vs. 17-19).

I have spent my fair share of time working hard, being sweaty, and living dangerously. For a long time I thought that's what a man is to do. In doing all those things I was able to provide for and build a family. I had all the things that I had ever dreamed of; a wife, 2 kids, dogs, house, cars, few farm animals. Life was supposed to be amazing. Yet, I still wasn’t living vibrantly.

I looked upon other men in my life for examples. I saw what I wanted to be like and didn’t want to be like. I put a lot of focus and effort into the areas that I thought would help me to be a successful man. Providing, being tough, pleasure seeking. None of it felt like it was right or enough. It wasn’t until I began to discover who the real Jesus was that I saw a true and perfect example of what it is to be a man.

My knowledge of religion until that point was based on a sissified Jesus who was weak and passive. In taking time to identify the true manly nature of who Jesus really was, is when I learned that my true desire is to become like him within my family. Loving, caring, and providing for them as Christ did for the Church.

My next couple posts will dive deeper into how Jesus can show us the ways to be a manly leader, perfect the way God the creator intended it to be. For now I want to share the key characteristics of Jesus that I think we as men should strive for.

Authority, Strength, Courage, Power

The definitions of all these words can be summed up as: taking action in the face of adversity.

That is how Jesus lead and what we are to emulate.

Maintain a Warrior Mindset.

Complacency Kills.


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