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What’s in the name?

"The Foote Ventures" is the name of this blog and where we will continue to tell our story and about our


So what is the name? When we sat down to talk about the name of our blog we started by

looking at names of other people who full-time RV. The first theme that we saw was that "adventure" was

used a lot! We really wanted to stay away from using that word in our name. Simply to be different.

Now just so you know, we are not the greatest at coming up with names. So we looked at name generators online to try and get other ideas and everything continued to come up with adventure of some kind.

I began to look further into the meaning of the word "adventure" because a meaning to our name was important to me. Merriam-Webster describes adventure as;

ad-ven-ture | \ ad-'ven-cher | noun 1. An undertaking usually involving danger and unknown risks. 2. An exciting or remarkable experience. 3. An enterprise involving financial risk.
noun 1. To expose to danger or loss. 2. To venture upon.

"To venture upon..."

Then I got to thinking, Venture.

ven-ture | 'ven(t)-sher | verb To proceed especially in the face of danger. 1. To expose to hazard; risk, gamble 2. To undertake the risk and dangers of; brave. 3. To offer at the risk of rebuff, rejection, or censure.
noun 1. An undertaking involving chance, risk, or danger. 2. Something at stake.

At first glance the words seem to be very much the same. Though the first difference is that "venture" is primarily defined as a verb making it an action word. Still similar, yes, but a little bit different. So we started to use it to see if it would stick and I continued to study the words to see if one was better suitable for our name.

Being able to travel this country and show our kids where we live and why it is great, home-schooling

and being able to give them an education on how to learn, not what to learn is truly a blessing. Having a

job that provides and enables me to work from anywhere is awesome. But let me tell you none of that

happened by chance or luck.

The origin and etymology of each word is what sold it for me. The 12th century definition of adventure (aventure, auenture) is “that which happens by chance, fortune, luck,” ( shares that venture, from the early 15th century, was used to explain something of

daring nature, to face risk, an exciting incident, or remarkable occurrence in one’s life. These are things

that define what this trip means to us. Facing the risk of the unknown is hard. Leaving behind family and

friends for the chance to live an exciting life of travel, serving, and learning is… well crazy to some! This

is definitely the chance of a lifetime, a remarkable occurrence and something we will never forget. Being

able to learn about other areas of the country, interact with people of different cultures and look for opportunities to serve is both exciting and daring.

With this bit of research, a deeper understanding of the meanings of the words and our love for hiking or walking anywhere we can, and of course our handy last name, "Foote Ventures" was

born! Our intention with this blog is to share our ventures with you. Whether that is fun times touring alligator parks or humbling times when we get to volunteer at local thrift stores, we want to encourage others to live out the plan God has for you and share in the exciting experiences that he provides when we do!

Until next time.

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