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Being a Man of (Good) Action

Men like action!

In 2022 Top Gun 2 is currently the highest grossing movie, crossing the $1B global box office receipts. There is no denying that action appeals to us. It excites us, gives us a feeling of worth and living.

Action without vision is only passing time, vision without action is merely day dreaming, but vision with action can change the world. – Nelson Mandela

I have lived through each one of these statements. I have acted without a vision. For me this lead to being lost, alone and just surviving (passing time) as a means to no end. For a long time I was deceived into thinking that I was acting in good will for my family because the bills were simply paid. I have also spent many many hours having visions without acting. We all have done it hanging out with friends, making plans to save the world knowing full well we will be going right back to our normal 9-5 the next day. For Morgan and I we love to talk about ideas on things to do! We sit out on our back deck and talk for hours about ideas we have, places we could move, things we could do to help our community (again trying to save the world), businesses we could start, the conversations are endless.

It is okay to pass time and enjoy some action without vision. It is okay to daydream. It is not okay to become consumed by either of these. The overindulgence of passing time and day dreaming is what will cause us to never accomplish anything. At some point we must create a vision and take action to make the vision a reality. Vision is defined as the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination and wisdom.

I want to change the world.

My vision is for my family to follow God’s will, for us to know the truth about this life, to be strong and courageous when adversity comes because it will come!

God has called me to be a husband and a father. To be a leader of my team. Authority, love, gentleness, strength, power and meekness are all actions that I am taking to lead my family into the fulfilment of our vision.

No matter your position in life, as a man you were created to lead. At some point our actions will affect another person. For that reason, it is important that we choose good actions. If you are not fighting for good, then you are spreading evil.

Make the decision every day to be a man of good action.

Chris Foote

Maintain a Warrior Mindset

Complacency Kills

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