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And We Are Off

It is finally time for me to provide an update to the new and updated FooteVentures Blog site. We have officially made it to our first destination outside of our home state and man was it a trip to get here!

First let me go back a little since it has been a minute. We sold our house in 3 days and closed on Sept. 9th and moved to a campground in Kalamazoo MI. It was a great first stop, nice and close to family as we said all of our see ya laters. We drove and ran non-stop for those first 2 weeks getting ready and 4 days after we moved in we had to take the camper to the service shop to have a recall looked at. This was our longest highway trip to date (about 30miles) and man were we nervous. Everything went off without an issue and we were back to our site that evening. We then had to move within the campground on the 22nd. This was our first site without sewer hookup, went well but was a little unexpected. On Sept 26th we packed and hooked it all up again and headed on our first 8 hours journey to Owensville, MO. The weather has been and is forecasted to be 70-75 with no clouds (sorry to rub it in my Michiganders!). Cant beat that!

I have not been so nervous in a long time as I was being on the road that long for the first time. We did very good with pre-planning and had all of our stops determined and they worked out perfectly for timing. But we had a couple of rookie mistakes that we found at our first stop. Our lower garage storage had come open at some point when my socket set fell against the door. Not sure when it happened but thank God we didn’t lose anything from there. Then we noticed that the cover for the hot water heater on the outside of the camper had flown off, taking with it our bug screens and a running light. We were able to find a quick in and out RV store and got a new door!

Getting into our spot at Lost Valley Lake Resort was also fun. I wanted to try and do everything we could to ensure that we did not have to set up in the dark. Well we didn’t make it and we kind of got lost on our way back to the site and almost went down a hill that we probably would not have made it down or back up! SO we had to back up what seemed like a quarter mile in the dark. Morgan put on our road safety vest (thankful that I brought that as a just in case) and did an outstanding job being my eyes in the back to that we didn’t hit anything. We finally found our site. It was number 731 and wouldn’t ya know there was someone in our spot! So we called security and they said we could pick any spot we wanted (the whole place it pretty much empty) so we settled for a pull through site and set up went flawless.

Monday the 27th we explored this place it is bigger than any campground we have every been to in Michigan. 2 Lakes, 3 ponds, indoor pool, small movie theatre, indoor putt-putt golf, arcade, hiking trails, horse stables and more. Safe to say we will not be getting bored while we are here.

We had our first experience with bugs too! Connor and I went on a just before dark little adventure into the woods on a small path that he found right across the road from our site. We walked a little ways and joked about seeing and fighting a bear, we did not see or have to fight any bears on this trip ha. But when we got back to the camper I felt something crawling on me and thought maybe we got into some ants or something but wasn’t seeing anything, until I looked a little closer. Turns out we were both covered in what we determined were black pepper mites! So we did a mad dash outside and stripped down. Connor began to shower while I was outside vacuuming my entire body and getting all those things off of me. It does seem like we were able to contain and eliminate them before they got onto anything else.

That about wraps up the adventure so far! I think that we have all still been waking up not believing that this is our life now. I wanted to close this with a big thank you to everyone who has been encouraging and praying for us! It means so much that we have all the support behind us as we travel and explore this amazing country. We are excited to see where our path leads and what God has instore for us! Stayed tuned for more updates.

I promise that it won’t be as long till the next one.

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1 Comment

Oct 05, 2022

Had to look up black pepper mites. Sounds like a blast so far and the weather is a plus.

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