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We Are Warriors

I gave this speech to my wife before we went to a Spartan Race last week. It was intended to help get her into a strong mindset about overcoming the obstacles in the race. And after rereading it I feel like this applies to all our lives as we overcome obstacles everyday. I hope this will give you motivation to be a better man, husband, father. We are warriors, we must fight with confidence, focus, and strategy.

"The life we live is a never ending war. For a couple hours tomorrow we will be going to battle. We face battles daily and sometimes hourly being partners and parents. These battles come in forms of predetermined operations and unexpected ambushes. Tomorrow is a predetermined operation. We will fight this battle together. As we drive to the battlefield it will be important to remember who the enemy is in this battle. We will be fighting our self. This is the biggest and most dangerous enemy. Self knows exactly who we are and what will make us quit. That is how it will win the battle.


No matter how hard it becomes we must maintain the mindset of a warrior. The warrior is confident. The warrior has already visualized the victory. The warrior does this because in war you either win or die. There is no quit option.


There is always some rational thinking that says no I should not do this. That is your body trying to protect itself, it is instinctual.  The warrior is able to quiet the mind from all aspects of the outside world. Focusing only on the mission at hand. Once we step into that arena our mission will be to finish the race. Our focus will be on crossing the finish line.


We have strategized prior to the engagement by creating workouts that made us ready for the battle. As we take the battlefield will move together and face each obstacle as a strategic element of victory. Just as a warrior uses the tools and environmental elements to his advantage to establish battle superiority and ultimately become victorious.

The mindset of a warrior is confident, focused and strategic. It is important that we remember life is a never ending battle. By attending this race we are conditioning our minds to know that we can overcome challenges. Each obstacle that we will face is designed to be doable, hard but doable. As we complete each obstacle with the mindset of a warrior we are able to see just how far we can push ourselves. Getting out of our comfort zone and realizing that we come out the other side still breathing, victorious. Truly learning what we are capable of is exciting and invigorating!

We are warriors and tomorrow we fight! I am proud to be by your side as we do this. I cannot wait to hug you on the other side of victory and to be able to say we did it!

Love you!"

Maintain a Warrior Mindset

Complacency Kills

Chris Foote

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