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Let Children Be Children & Parents Be Parents

A few common responses when I tell someone that we homeschool...

"Oh wow, you homeschool?!"

"Oh my gosh, I could NEVER!"

"How do you get your kids to listen to you?"

These were the same responses I had before I decided to stay at home full-time. The idea seems off the wall to some, some seem envious, and some just wish they could make it work financially.

I grew up in the 90's in what I would consider an average Michigan family. Mom and Dad both worked, we all cooked and cleaned, we sat around the dinner table together most nights and the running all over for sports, activities and house projects was just the way of life. Homeschooling was never discussed in our family.

Other than my husband being homeschooled up until freshmen year, all I knew was the kids in school that used to be homeschooled. They were usually abnormally smart and a little awkward to talk to. So my young, judgmental self was very turned off from the whole idea. Chris was one of those homeschoolers, you would have never known he was homeschooled, though. He was outgoing and fun and once I got to know him, still fit into the abnormally smart category!

When we started to consider homeschooling in 2016, it wasn't as much of a foreign thing to me. I have three lovely sister-in-law's that were also homeschooled their whole lives.

You see, God knows I am stubborn beyond measure, He knew I would need some background on this if this was going to be my life.

I got to watch those three girls flourish from as young as 5 through high school and now married adults. I got to witness my mother-in-law doing school, doing life with them and in the mean time I was married to a homeschooler. It's possible! Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought this is where I would be.

Good thing I'm not the only author of my life. ;)

I realize that not everyone gets the opportunity to see first hand a homeschool lifestyle and it is just a quick thought or simply not feasible for you. But my hope is I can give you a glimpse the same way my in-law family gave me.

The world is not the same as 10 years ago or even 5 years ago. The fears that I hear parents talk about in sending their children to school or daycare brings me to tears - which is mostly why we have created this blog! You are capable and equipped, you have been since the day you brought your children into this world. (If you need a good book about mothering, I highly recommend The Mission of Motherhood) I can't believe we let other's determine our worth for parenting! (that includes me!)

Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. Proverbs 16:3 ESV

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. Proverbs 16:9 ESV

It's a much different world we live in than what we grow up in and it will be like that for generations to come. Is it not our duty to serve for all generations to come? (Psalm 33:11) I think homeschooling has come a very long way in 20 or 30 years but I think it could go even further. It's time we take a stand for our children. It's long over-due that we let children be children again. It's time we put our own selfish desires away and commit our life to raising these kids the way WE, as the parents want to and as the Lord calls us to. Little House on the Prairie is what I'm talking people! ha! Ok maybe not that far back...

Anyways, when God is stirring your heart it may not feel like it. You may not even realize it. What you may start noticing is you just happen to be clicking around and running into more homeschool blogs like this one, running into a random old friend who tells you they've decided to homeschool, listening to a podcast and they mention homeschool numbers are at the highest they have ever been. Mentioning the coincidences to your spouse or parent and they look at your like you're crazy. (been there, done that).

Let me let you in on a secret: that's not magic and that's not coincidence. Those are only divine appointments set in place for you by your Father in heaven. Now it's just up to you to see it that way, trust Him, and live accordingly.

Will it be scary? Absolutely.

Will you cry and doubt yourself? Most definitely.

But, will you walk away because it's too hard, too much of an unknown, at the expense of your child's education and lifestyle? Or will you lean into God's plan and goodness for your life?

Will you pray about it?

Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand. Proverbs 19:21 ESV

Here are two ground rules we have incorporated in our life to help get you started on your journey - even if you're still in the "I can't" stage!

1. Children are only children for a little while. Enjoy them. Embrace the chaos.

We all hear this saying... "Don't blink, before you know it you'll be an empty nester." But do we take it to heart? Do we live it out? Are we actually living everyday with our children, getting to know them or are we hustling and bustling to the next thing and rushing them through life because that's all we knew what to do? Or are we changing and bettering the next generation...

We believe in playing in the dirt with the worms and the ants. We believe in running around barefoot, gaining some callus and tough skin - because they will need that one day. We believe in very limited screen time so they learn to explore within their own imagination. We believe it's ok to be bored. We believe in reading books! Lot's and lot's of books! Children learn by using all five of their senses - it's our job to let them! Not limit them!

2. We are a family - which means we are a team. There is no "I" in team.

I stole this from a friend a few years ago after I heard her family use it! You may have heard it too.


I think this or something similar to it, must be at the center of our life if you homeschool or you plan to. It is a must. As a family, we all live under the same roof. We all dirty the same dishes and make a mess. So as a family - we all clean, we all cook, we all help each other. End of story.

But wait, I can hear it already..

"I thought you said let children be children..."

I most definitely did say that, but I also believe they are capable of age-appropriate chores. (If you'd like age-appropriate chore lists, I can help with that!)

I encourage you to start listening to the tugging on your heart strings. Listen to your spirit and how you feel at work vs. at home. Listen to your children. Pray, even when you don't know what to pray. Our God is always there to listen.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. Proverbs 3: 5-7 NIV

Praying for you and with you...


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